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The Cartrangers Squad is Cartrollers’ Affiliate Program. It is free and enables members to earn extra revenue. They earn by placing a link or links on their web sites, which advertises Cartrollers and her products, subscription plans or specific products. Any sales made to customers or Service Providers through those links, the affiliate earns a commissions 5%. The percentage of amount of earnings for Cartrollers Service is only on the subscription plan for now. You can as well earn a flat rate of N200 referral commission when a Cartranger signs up using any of your links. A subsequent earning of 1% of your recruited Cartranger’s earnings to the 4th generation will be accrued to you also. Isn’t that exciting?



About Cartrangers, CartRollers Service | Nigeria's Largest Marketplace For Service Professionals And Businesses

Click on the “BECOME A CARTRANGER” button to register for FREE


About Cartrangers, CartRollers Service | Nigeria's Largest Marketplace For Service Professionals And Businesses

Copy the link of a product and paste on your affiliate page to generate a link.


About Cartrangers, CartRollers Service | Nigeria's Largest Marketplace For Service Professionals And Businesses

Share the generated link everywhere for people to shop through it.


About Cartrangers, CartRollers Service | Nigeria's Largest Marketplace For Service Professionals And Businesses

Earn commissions from every sale made through your shared affiliate links.

It’s easy! Earn extra cash through our Cartrangers Affiliate Partnership. Once you have followed the registration procedures above, you can start promoting immediately you are approved. On the Cartrollers Service Page, click on a subscription plan of choice and copy it’s link from the link bar. Paste the copied link into the provided tab in your affiliate page to generate a specific affiliate link. Paste the generated link to your website, blog or social media page in a way that customers can easily view them. Once customers click and purchase through the link, you will earn instantly. So hurry now.

To become a Cartranger, quickly click the button below to fill out the registration form:

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